What is an FCA Camp?

Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has challenged athletes and coaches to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA is cultivating Christian principles in local communities nationwide by encouraging, equipping and empowering others to serve as examples and to make a difference.

Who can go to Camp?

FCA Camp provides a week to remember for those who are entering, are currently on, or have been a member of an athletic team and is one of the following age groups: youth sports, middle school, high school, college and adults.

What do I get?

Campers will receive instruction from college and professional coaches and athletes in groups and possibly in one-on-one settings. Not only instruction on physical and mental techniques, but also in spiritual growth.

Camp Theme

Every year we create a new camp theme to help the competitor combine their faith and sport.

Camp Quotes?

Ever want to know what college and professional athletes and coaches are saying about FCA Camps? Here is what we are hearing.

Past Themes

Wonder what themes FCA has done in the past?

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